The Molly B
Linda and I have decided to start looking for a house. I can't afford a house payment and slip fees and insurance for the boat so I guess we will have to try to sell our boat. I really hate to do that but I can't really keep up with all the repairs and maintenance required either. I guess I'm just getting too old. So, I have listed the Molly B on a facebook site called Trawlers for Sale. Got a lot of real favorable remarks, but no takers yet. Hopefully it won't take too long to sell, but I don't think that's a realistic expectation, I think it might take quite a while. I'm asking $125,000 OBO. It will most likely be the OBO that will sell the boat, not the 125k asking price. I just hope I can get enough to buy a small house somewhere in Florida, I have a little over $200,000 invested in the construction of the Molly B, and the surveyed replacement value was set at $675,000 in June of 2014 so 125k should be a fair price for her. If you are interested, or hear of anyone interested, please refer them to the following Link. Molly B
We tried emailing and everything got returned. Hope you are both doing well. Hope you have been successful in selling your boat. We know that we all will get to the point where a boat is too much to deal with. We are hoping to get a few more years... Merry Christmas to you both